Depth-Oriented, Mindfulness-Based Storytelling for Self- Empowerment.


Depth-Oriented, Mindfulness-Based Storytelling for Self- Empowerment.

Broken Egg Shells

Broken Egg Shells

Egg Shells seem fragile, yet their chemical composition & molecular structure form a cohesive & strong enclosure to incubate new life.
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The tiny cracks & pieces, as seen in image #2, tell the creature’s birth story, how it worked bit by bit to leave one enclosure for a new world.
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Butterflies struggle to free themselves from their cocoons in order to build wing strength & remove excess fluid from their bodies/wings that weighs them down so they can fly. If humans interfere & loosen the cocoon, they cause the butterfly harm & risk the creature’s death.
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The same is true for psyche/shadow work. No one else can do it for you.
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Psyche Work is a psychological self-care process where you work bit by bit, poco a poco to build & sustain strength to tend your needs, esp. when birthing a new part of yourself.
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Psyche Processes require practice, not just to become adept at certain skills, rather, the practice needs to be engaged consistently throughout one’s life to tend your varied lived experiences.
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Psyche guides, facilitators, & healers assist you as you navigate unknown terrain & ensure you don’t get lost in the vast landscape of the inner world.